Sunday, October 23, 2011

Fall break at the lake

The earlier fishing pics of Dawit were a teaser to the week-long camping trip the kids and Spence took over fall break. I'm fairly certain there is no other dad on earth who would organize an adventure of this magnitude. If you know one, you're cordially invited next year.

Boat loaded, the three campers embark on a 20-minute paddle to what will be their home for the next 8 days: Big Goat Island on Dale Hollow Lake.

Caroline lives in her pjs no matter where she hangs her hat. 

Just chillin'.

C took her carousel of markers and a lifetime supply of paper so she could continue her art while roughing it. She ran out of paper about four days in. On my weekend visit, I endlessly mated pens and lids.

Dawit enjoying the fire and a cup of applesauce.

Exploring divers' rock. I had continuous heart attacks keeping everyone from leaping/falling off.

Dawit washing clothes in a bear barrel.

Note the pink crocs on the wrong feet. Dad seriously lowers his manly standards when camping.

So "sweepy."

Never without her pad and pen.

The gang picked up Mama Norma for a visit to Big Goat.

Packing to come home. 
On the way home, they stopped at McD's for a "healthy" dinner (way healthier than the camping fare of cheetos and squeeze cheese). When they finished, both kids declared they were ready to head back to camp.

Despite the fact they arrived home with not one single dry article, including the clothes they were all wearing, and all three had colds and a wicked cough, they all declared it the best fall break ever. Big Goat rules!