The first Bethany families are headed to Ethiopia in a little over a week: Holly to pick up Bereket and Beth to pick up Levi. Hopefully, Kelli will be on the same plane. Her little girl Ruby has been sick and in the hospital, so she has not been able to get her passport. But she is doing better and should be on her way to a passport soon. Prayers for all these families.
While we wait -- to travel, for referrals, for I-171H's -- a bunch of my blogging buddies are "walking" to Ethiopia. It's a little over 7,400 miles, and we're tracking our personal miles each Friday. It's been very motivating for me to virtual walk with a group. I find myself several times a week saying, "I've gotta get in my miles." I even got up at 6:30 this morning and walked 4 miles. My mom's joined in too.
Two nights ago, I had a dream I was at a party. I was talking to a woman who was from our adoption agency (not our SW). She told me that our date was March 12. She said it reluctantly, like she wasn't really supposed to tell me. I said, "Our referral?" And she said, "Yes, she will have had the baby by then." Now, I don't know what that means, but I was shocked to wake up and remember the actual date. Some of you are probably calculating the wait -- it's 9 months from DTE -- and saying, "Noooo! That's too long." If you are, remember it was just a dream. But I did look and March 12 is a Thursday. I guess we'll see.