Goodwill was a gold mine. I thought I was addicted to craigslist, but this is much better. I found about 30 items for Caroline, all 99 cents each and all in excellent shape. People apparently donate a lot nicer stuff than I do. As I drove to town early Saturday morning, the streets were like a ghost town. Then I pulled into the Goodwill parking lot and it was like Christmas. I had to tote an enormous armload of stuff around the store, then stalk someone in the checkout line so I could get their basket. Then I waited in line 25 minutes to check out. It was a blast and a major score!
Tech didn't score quite as well -- they lost (at least that's what I heard) -- but the game was so fun. Caroline was all decked out in purple and gold and cheering as loud as anyone. She loved the band and danced every time they played. We left at halftime to make the birthday party, then the fish fry. We were thoroughly pooped by day's end.
Spence and crew make good progress on the barn, but most of it still stands. The dozer comes next week to pull it down.