We've got a full weekend planned. Caroline is sleeping over at Mama Norma (M-na) and Papa Connie's tonight so I can get to Goodwill when the doors open. I perused the racks last week and found her a great winter coat for $2. It has a faux fur collar, and whenever she wears it she strokes the fur and says, "Ooooooohhh!" Tomorrow, everything is half price. After that, M-na and Papa and I are taking Little C to a Tennessee Tech basketball game, her first (and maybe her last til she grows up...we'll see). Then we're heading to Sarah's birthday party (she's turning 2), then the Dodson Branch Fish Fry, where I will undo all my good exercise for the week.
If you're wondering where Spence is in all this, he's tearing down the Johnson's barn next door. It's a piece of Roaring River history, so it's going to be sad when it's gone.
Roaring River and Spring Creek are both up, so we may skip out on church and paddle...if we can find someone who would like to watch Little C on Super Bowl Sunday. If Spence weren't our trusty trip leader, he would be the perfect babysitter as he's still not sure which teams are playing. Bless his heart. My hubby is a talented, happening guy, but football is not his forte. And I'm thankful for that!