I knew that one day the magic of the season would light up my kids' eyes and those traditions would be theirs to carry on. That day was yesterday. Perhaps fueled by Fancy Nancy's enthusiasm for the splendiferous season, Princess Caroline made decorating the tree her mission.
When she ran out of official ornaments, most of them heirlooms from my childhood (that's fancy for things that are old and valuable), she improvised (that's fancy for using whatever's around to make something), adding things like a hair clip, a board book, a feather boa, her dress-up bead necklaces, random ribbons, plastic veggies from her kitchen, pom poms, a harmonica, and a Christmas card she made.
Yep, that's a shoe.
She topped it with her princess crown, which, in my opinion, solidified her ownership of all future hall-decking responsibilities because she never, ever takes off that crown unless she's in the bath or in bed.
She was most proud of her tree, guarding it fiercely from Dawit who made sport out of snagging ornaments off the branches and waving them in her face. Just a little revenge for the torture she regularly subjects him to.