Yesterday, we soaked up a beautiful afternoon in a park behind Cathy's house. You can see here that the lady we asked to take our picture did not take too kindly to having her workout interrupted.

Then we ate some great Mediterranean food for dinner. The busboy was most gracious -- Cathy's not shy about asking people to take our picture.

Then, in true Gen X (or is it Y or Z?) fashion, we curled up on her sofa with our tea and laptops and Mocha at our feet and surfed the 'net.
Today we did a two-hour hike in Hermann Park, got totally soaked, had take-out pasta for lunch, watched The Gods Must Be Crazy, and are now getting ready to head to Blue Nile Ethiopian Restaurant for dinner with some of Cathy's friends.
Oh my, I just got some very good news. In addition to the fact that my bro and Amy are having a BOY. Yay, boys. More on that and my Houston trip later. Doro wat calls.