... and rainbow sherbet, favorite bear, monkey, fuzzy socks and her nest of blankets in daddy's chair, watching endless episodes of Caillou.
In me, Caroline had a slave who catered to her every whim. My payment in return was a sweet, quiet, compliant little girl who appreciated all the special attention and the chance to spend 48 hours in pj's. I savored those moments because Sunday morning - poof! - they were gone and my strong-willed, opinionated three-year-old was back with a vengeance.
(If you missed Dawit's birthday - part 1, you can see it here. You can also view our photo album from our trip to Ethiopia.)
Sidebar: We think C may be completely potty trained. We haven't used pull-ups at all in the last two days, and she's had two dry mornings. Yay, Little C. Diapers, be gone! Oh yeah, and Dawit is now drinking milk. Formula, be gone! That's two big budget-suckers out the door.