Monday, November 30, 2009

Things I love about Dawit

The way he pushes trucks, cars or anything that rolls while he crawls - such a boy thing.

The way he crawls on his feet with his bottom in the air when the surface is too hard.

The way he raises his eyebrows.

The way he crawls across the hardwood floor with a remote control in each hand - it's the loudest thing you've ever heard.

How happy and smiley he is when he first wakes from his nap.

How he waves bye-bye, which looks more like he's saying "come here."

The way he loves to be held and snuggled.

The way he stands at the window looking for Daddy and kitty.

How he giggles when Caroline splashes in the bath.

Things I'm not so fond of:
He hates having his diaper changed and he makes it so hard.

The way he makes a beeline for anything I'm sweeping up. To him, it's a buffet.

How fast he can make it to an open toilet.

How much he doesn't like to take a nap.

Our little man's been home with us for 5.5 months. He's gone from 16 to 25 pounds. He cruises, climbs stairs, goes back down them head first, and walks with support. He says mama, dada, cracker, tractor, kitty and now injera. He's got 7 teeth and slobbers relentlessly.

We sure love this little boy!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

A Thanksgiving hike

Friday we headed to Lake Cumberland State Resort Park to visit my aunt and uncle's family. After lunch we took a 4-mile hike around the lake. The views were incredible.

Caroline's leg warmers were actually Daddy's socks.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Dawit turns one - part 4

Bread blessing:

This Ethiopian flag blanket was a gift to Dawit from his Nana:

He really liked it.

Whoops! A random cake pic. He didn't like me holding his arms while he made mince meat of the cake

Coffee ceremony:

This is Shemsia, Ahmed's wife. Isn't she beautiful?

Monday, November 23, 2009

Dawit turns one - part 3

Because Caroline couldn't attend the real party, we had a small mock party before the party so Caroline could sing and partake of CC's special cupcakes.

This is Dawit's best buddy, Ahmed. He's the owner of Gojo.

Thanks, CC, for bringing such a cool cake!

Amazing Ethiopian dishes:

Lover of green beans:

Coming soon: bread blessing, cake cutting, coffee ceremony