Saturday morning, the Seifert kids and their families took my dad to lunch to celebrate his birthday and to wish him well on his move to Idaho. Yes, Idaho. The potato state. The state that is home to only 1.2 million people. Well 1 million, 200,002 now.
I sat in the middle of this group and quickly realized how much my brother, Steve, talks. I vaguely remember my grandmother, on long road trips, paying him NOT to talk, but I never really thought that much about it until I couldn't croak out a single sentence without everyone going, "Huh?" I finally gave up and let him spin his yarns, which are pretty dang funny.
If it makes you feel better, Stevo, I think there is at least one member of my family that is secretly glad I couldn't talk for 3 days. I'm not naming names.
This morning we took the kids to my mom's church -- wearing their Ethiopian garb. I went to this church for 30+ years, so it was fun to introduce Dawit to everyone -- many of whom have followed our blog. He charmed everyone with his two, new teeth.