My husband walked in the door last night and asked, "When are we going to get an update on D?" Funny he should ask, I've been wondering this every hour of every day for a month.
While we commiserated over the lack of information coming out of Addis, I began flipping through our mail and found ... an envelope from Addis! It was not an update on our soon-to-be son, but a letter from our sponsored son in the Yezelalem Minch program. I just about wet my pants. Just kidding, but I did do a jig in the kitchen.
Mesaye is 15 years old and ranks #1 in his class in school. (I'm so proud.) Earlier this year we sent him a Tennessee Titans t-shirt, which he mentions in his letter. Then I saw the words, "I LOVE YOU Lori Inman." My heart melted.

Later that night I lay in bed thinking about Mesaye, his family, his circumstances, his spirit and his gumption to achieve despite extraordinary challenges. I wondered what he was doing (probably sleeping), where he lives, how much he must work to help support his family. I'm so thankful we can be part of the YM program and make a connection to such an amazing boy, our son. We love you too, Mesaye.