Saturday, June 28, 2008

Pesto fest

I don't have a green thumb, but one thing I can grow well is basil. I've been coaxing these 4 babies into small trees since late April. This pic is actually post harvest.

Here's the harvest, all washed and ready to be transformed into pesto, a wonderful starting point for pasta and pizza sauce.

The secret to these large beautiful leaves: Spray 'n Grow plant vitamins. My mom is a QVC junkie and she was so tempted by the baseball-size strawberries and canteloupe-size tomatoes they touted, she had to have it. That's a bit of an exaggeration, but it works!

And here's what it all boiled down to. I make up the recipe sans cheese, freeze them in cubes, then pop them out into a freezer bags. Voila!