Today is a special day for us. We both admit that we didn't express our appreciation for our mothers nearly as much as we should have before Caroline came along. So today we want to tell our moms and the world (or whoever reads this blog) that we love you both! We wouldn't be the people or the parents we are today without your guidance, encouragement, patience and love. Hopefully, Caroline will benefit from the wisdom you passed to us.
And we appreciate all the things you still do for us today because, as we're learning, motherhood doesn't end when your kids fly the nest. We still count on you to make banana bread out of our brown bananas, help get the strawberry stains out of Caroline's shorts, host a toddler sleepover when we want to go to the river, make birthday cakes when we don't really need one, tell us to slow down and savor the moment because it doesn't last, and all the little things you do that we don't notice.