I was perusing Ethiopian adoption blogs a couple nights ago -- ones I don't typically look at but which link from my favorites. I was shocked to see that one family, who's about the same stage as us, is anticipating a referral wait time of 18 months. And this one is through a well-known agency with an established Ethiopia program. The writer acknowledged that wait times vary by agency, but 18 months??
I know y'all are looking ahead for a link to this blog so you can see it for yourself. Sorry, I didn't save it. I do that all the time -- find an interesting blog then forget where it is.
I've got a meeting tomorrow with our SW to go over our dossier docs and make sure everything is in order. I'm comtemplating going ahead and getting everything great sealed too, so if I get there and something is amiss I can get it fixed while we wait, wait, wait on the I-171H. Friday will be 5 weeks. I'll also ask her if she has any information she can share about referral progress.