It's been exciting to watch all my blog buddies hit new milestones in their adoption pursuits. Unless you're one of us, it's probably hard to imagine getting so pumped up over someone else's fingerprint appointment or arrival of I-171H. But we're really all on this journey together, and some of us may actually travel together in the coming months.
On our end, I've hit a lull in my drive for dossier completion, my passion for paperwork. We've got about 80% of our docs notarized, but I really need to organize and cross check and get the last few items ready in case our I-171H arrives TODAY! I just can't seem to get motivated to do it. Maybe on a subconscious level I'm thinking that if I'm not prepared, it will arrive faster. Then I can scramble to get everything together. I can't wait to get our dossier in the mail. I've been hauling my 10-pound expandable file back and forth to Nashville every week because I can't bear to have it out of my immediate reach. Soon!
This weekend we're going to a big party at the Johnson's farm next door. Peggy, one of the granddaughters, is turning 50 and a bunch of the family is coming to town. Next weekend, we're celebrating Easter at my mom's. A very good friend of the family, Cathy, is coming in from Texas. About 24 years ago, she lived with us as an exchange student (from Grenoble, France), and a couple of weeks ago she officially became an American citizen. So we're going to celebrate.