Sunday, February 27, 2011

Caroline and Daddy go to the Ball

Last night was the Cinderella Ball for daddies and daughters. Spence donned a suit, perhaps for the first time since our wedding, and Caroline wore a white spring dress she picked out herself. Some of these pics Caroline took and I couldn't resist including them (see the backside of someone else's dad). Later when she got home, I asked her what they had for dinner and she said all kinds of good things -- cheese, crackers, grapes, strawberries, triangle sandwiches, and those little black round things that Allison makes me put my fingers in (black olives). It was an enchanting evening for a young lady.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Open wide!

No prob.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Caroline says...

I'm having trouble getting motivated to write posts, but I'm never short on Caroline's unique world perspectives.

On the way home from a day-long hike yesterday, C was complaining that we drove through McDonald's (for a post-hike treat) instead of going in. I said, "We have to get home. It's almost dinner time." She replied, "I don't want dinner. I just want to poop."

Caroline and I were listening to Patsy Cline on YouTube while she painted valentine art. As Patsy was concluding "Crazy," Caroline pointed to her nesting yellow hearts and said, "I'm calling this Loving You." I praised her creativity and hung it on the pantry door. She then proceeded to paint two more nesting yellow hearts but apparently made an errant stroke (which I couldn't see). She threw down her brush and said, "I'm calling this one Loving Nobody!"

Ah, perfectionism.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Need hair advice

Attention: mamas of Ethiopian boys, especially those with big fluffy curls! Do you have hair products you love?

I'm looking for a really good leave-in conditioner. One to use right after shampooing while his hair is wet -- not necessarily a light, daily conditioner, but something I use once or twice a week. Dawit has big soft curls and the product we've been using is good, but it does have a tiny bit of alcohol, so I want to find something more natural.

I bought Tiny Twirls shampoo and daily moisturizing styler, which is made by Kinky Curly, but they didn't have a leave-in conditioner at the store. I know there are some good websites out there with tons of great products; it's just hard to figure out which are the best, especially for boys who have a simpler routine than girls. I'm hoping for some recommendations from moms who are happy with their products.