Monday, May 31, 2010
So what, you ask? You see, this 18-month-old, who's still getting steady on his feet, BUSTED out of his bed without making a sound, found his way in pitch black to my bed without tripping, falling or stubbing his toe. He never uttered a word, just climbed in like it was what he'd done every night before.
I couldn't resist letting him stay, even though I find it very hard to get enough sleep with someone's feet across my neck. I fear I may have crossed a line I can't uncross. We'll see what happens tonight, but we're now shopping for a crib tent. It's like a mosquito net, but it keeps elves in rather than mosquitos out.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Family float
This boat's got two captains.
Ten minutes in, the short captain did a heels over head into the river. He decided he'd better hang on to Daddy's legs for a while.
Spence decided to take a cooling dunk...
...causing Dawie to throw a fit. Under water, bad.
But a Rice Krispie treat makes it all better.
The walk back home.
Friday, May 21, 2010
18 months and growing...I mean seriously!
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Cousin fun
Savannah and Caroline had a sleepover at Mama Norma's, Savannah's first sleepover. Caroline fussed because she wanted it to be her first too.
After dropping off the girls, Tara and I took the little ones to Cinco de Mayo for dinner.
Can you see how wet D is?
He helped MN wash my car!
Favorite bedtime ritual
Someone wasn't happy about the pic opp. Someone's always not happy.
Making oatmeal for MN.
Squeaky clean and wrapped in fluffy towels. Doesn't get any better than that.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Friday, May 7, 2010
A year ago today...
Seems like a lifetime ago.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Monday, May 3, 2010
The good and the bad
We cluelessly had a wonderful anniversary trip to the Tellico River while Nashville and surrounding communities got pounded -- houses and cars swept away, people stranded on roofs, homes and businesses filled with water, devastation everywhere.
We arrived home in the valley Sunday evening just as the second storm rolled in. The ground already saturated, we watched the river rise all around us. By morning, we were trapped, the roads up and downriver flooded. We had no electricity for 10 hours. Once again, our fence was gone. But we were safe, the horses were safe, and we were very thankful.
I just arrived in Nashville this evening. My house and office there are both fine. And again I'm so thankful. I'm so so sad for my friends who lost their homes or suffered severe damage or their place of business is still under 5 feet of water.