We're catching our breath after a whirlwind tour of homes for Christmas celebrations. We started at my mom's.
This pic says what you already know:

My dad and Lynn came in from Idaho, and I hosted Christmas for the Seiferts. Actually Cracker Barrel hosted; I just provided the house. The very small house. This is the only pic I took that turned out. But we've got a good group shot if Jesi'll send it to me.

Then on Christmas Eve, the Inmans came out and we ate way too much.
The cutest smile ever:

That same smile turned upside down:

Anyone care to guess who the instigator of turmoil is?

Dawie pushing his new toy from Santa with his favorite push toy:

We tried to go to church - we got all dressed and almost loaded -- but D was suffering from the big D and we ended up ditching the plans and giving him 3 baths instead. It turned out to be a good thing. We holed up with the wind howling outside and enjoyed some precious time as a family. We put out cookies and milk for Santa, we made a quick trip outside to look for his sleigh -- whoops, I had to take a break for Dawie falling and cutting open his eye for the 20th time, not to mention another fluffy, fragrant diaper and another quick bath mid-post -- then upstairs to read the Christmas story and the Night Before Christmas.
Dawie undecorating the tree: